ETSI releases a global standard for securing smartphones

ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) has released a new global standard for securing smartphones.

The standard – TS 103 732, or, more catchingly, “Consumer Mobile Device Protection Profile” – claims to identify key security and privacy risks for user data and provides appropriate protection.

Alex Leadbeater, Cybersecurity Chair at ETSI, said:

“Following the excellent improvement in security achieved with ETSI EN 303 645 for consumer...

ETSI launches ISG for 6G-bound Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces technology

Global standards body ETSI has launched an industry specification group (ISG) for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS), a technology that’s expected to play a key 6G role.

RIS is a new type of system node that aims to leverage smart radio surfaces with thousands of small antennas or metamaterial elements to dynamically shape and control radio signals in a goal-oriented manner.

In practical terms, RIS will enable new use cases such as improving elderly care by...