Apple is already preparing for 6G despite expected 2030(ish) launch

Cupertino has already begun looking for talent to help it get ahead of the competition when 6G begins rolling out.

Apple is rarely first to support new technologies, it’s happy to sit back and wait for them to mature a little. Some would argue Apple was late to 5G while others would say the company was about on time given the relatively limited coverage in most places.

However, companies like Apple don’t get to where they are today without looking...

EE uses iPhone 12 Pro’s AR to show off 5G’s early capabilities

BT-owned operator EE is using the iPhone 12 Pro’s AR to help make an early case for 5G as part of a new marketing campaign.

5G devices have been available for well over a year now, but it’s often said that new smartphone technologies aren’t truly adopted until that little old firm called Apple gets onboard.

With 5G iPhones now available, operators are expected to ramp up their 5G deployments and marketing significantly. More people than ever will have devices in...