Apple is already preparing for 6G despite expected 2030(ish) launch

Cupertino has already begun looking for talent to help it get ahead of the competition when 6G begins rolling out.

Apple is rarely first to support new technologies, it’s happy to sit back and wait for them to mature a little. Some would argue Apple was late to 5G while others would say the company was about on time given the relatively limited coverage in most places.

However, companies like Apple don’t get to where they are today without looking...

Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and others form 6G alliance

All of the major US telcos have formed an alliance with other wireless industry players to research 6G technology.

The so-called Next G Alliance is designed to ensure North America is a leader in shaping the next generation of wireless technology and its eventual deployment.

Susan Miller, CEO and President of ATIS, says:

“As countries around the globe progress ambitious 6G research and development initiatives, it is critical that North American industry steps...