EE expands 5G as part of renewed drive to improve rural connectivity

Cows in a field in Scotland.

EE has disclosed new details of its nationwide investment to connect the UK to 5G, with the technology reaching hundreds of rural communities across the UK for the first time.

A series of new innovations that will boost the range, resilience and energy efficiency of mobile connectivity in the years ahead have also been unveiled.

5G rollout windfall for rural communities

EE’s 5G network, which already reaches nearly every major UK town and city as well as...

£1bn rural network programme gives connectivity boost to Scottish communities

View across Tweeddale, from Manor Sware, Peebles, Scotland.

John Lamont MP has welcomed the significant investment being made to upgrade connectivity throughout rural parts of Scotland during a visit to an existing Virgin Media O2 mast in the Scottish Borders.

As part of the Shared Rural Network (SRN) programme, new masts will be built in the south of Scotland, while existing masts will also be upgraded. These network improvements will transform mobile coverage for individuals and businesses in the region, boost choice and productivity,...

BT and Stratospheric Platforms will test beaming 5G from aircraft

BT is partnering with Stratospheric Platforms (SPL) to test beaming 5G from a High-Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) aircraft.

The duo hopes the project will provide a solution to a key challenge of mobile connectivity: providing coverage to the most rural and difficult-to-reach areas.

“We’re delighted to be partnering with SPL to start realising the huge potential of HAPS aircraft to further strengthen our UK 4G and 5G network technology leadership,” said Tim...

UK announces £50M satellite industry boost

The UK Space Agency has announced a £50 million fund to boost the satellite communications industry.

Funding from the initiative will be used for projects including satellite constellations, ground systems, and entirely new end-to-end systems.

Science Minister George Freeman said:

“Developing UK space capabilities and maximising commercial opportunities are key to the National Space Strategy, as part of our plans to become a leading power in space and build...

Wildanet awarded £36M to connect thousands of rural premises

Cornwall-based provider Wildanet has been awarded £36 million by the UK government to connect thousands of rural premises.

The contracts will enable Wildanet to deliver fast broadband connectivity to left behind communities in Cornwall. Up to 19,250 homes and businesses are set to be connected.

Helen Wylde, CEO of Wildanet, said:

“This is great news for remote communities in Cornwall as we continue to connect Cornwall’s homes and businesses to full fibre...

SpaceX pledges to reduce astronomy disruption

SpaceX has reached a deal with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to reduce Starlink's disruption to astronomy.

The company’s broadband satellites have become a plight for astronomers. Around the world, professional and enthusiast astronomers have complained of Starlink’s constellation ruining the night sky and interfering with their observations.

When capturing images of the night sky using a long exposure, satellite trails are often...

FCC establishes space bureau to meet growing demands

The FCC has voted to establish a space bureau that will support the flourishing industry.

Increasing private, public, and mixed ventures are leading to what some consider to be a new space race.

SpaceX is undisputably among the leaders driving this space renaissance. The company has launched over 3,000 satellites since 2019 and built impressive vehicles to lower space transportation costs.

This year, Amazon is set to launch its ‘Project Kuiper’ low Earth...

Qualcomm and Iridium bring satellite-to-cellular services to Android

Qualcomm and Iridium have unveiled Snapdragon Satellite, a solution that brings satellite-to-cellular services to next-generation Android smartphones.

Snapdragon Satellite will support two-way messaging from pole to pole in remote, rural, and offshore locations.

“Robust and reliable connectivity is at the heart of premium experiences. Snapdragon Satellite showcases our history of leadership in enabling global satellite communications and our ability to bring superior...

Viasat partners with Microsoft to connect the unconnected

Viasat and Microsoft have formed a partnership to help deliver internet access to underserved communities.

According to the International Telecommunication Union, approximately one-third of the world’s population – around 2.7 billion people – have never accessed the internet.

Internet access is increasingly seen as a human right. Without a reliable connection, an individual’s education, work, and social opportunities are limited. Other fundamental rights, such as...

Boeing delivers first O3b mPOWER satellites to SES

Boeing took a sneaky jab at Starlink while announcing the delivery of its first two O3b mPOWER satellites to Luxembourg-based telecoms provider SES.

“SES's O3b mPOWER system is a true gamechanger and will transform the way people think about connectivity,” said Ruy Pinto, CTO at SES.

“Delivering performance above all, O3b mPOWER will offer connectivity services to government organisations and enterprises based in the most remote regions. In times of natural...