CMA launches probe into Viasat-Inmarsat merger

The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has launched a probe into the merger of Viasat and Inmarsat.

Viasat first announced its intention to acquire Inmarsat for $7.3 billion in November 2021. To no surprise, the proposal attracted plenty of attention.

The combined entities would operate a fleet of 19 satellites that are currently in service. An additional 10 spacecraft are under construction and planned for launch within the next three years.


Southwest Airlines picks Viasat for in-flight WiFi

Southwest Airlines has announced that it will use connectivity from satellite firm Viasat for in-flight WiFi services.

The airline says that all new aircraft deliveries from this fall will be fitted with Viasat’s next-generation Ka-band satellite in-flight connectivity (IFC) system.

Viasat’s next-generation system will provide speeds that are typically greater than 20Mbps. With those speeds, customers will be able to stream content, watch live television, access...