NTT will support remote work for all 320,000 staff as part of ‘new management style’

NTT has announced “a new management style suitable for a decentralized network society" that will see remote work supported for all 320,000 staff.

While many modern startups have embraced the benefits of enabling remote work for quite some time, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the hands of many of the older and more reluctant enterprises to quickly adapt or die.

Fortunately, the telecoms industry’s advancements enabled the world to largely continue moving even during...

Virgin Media O2 gives small businesses a broadband speed boost

Virgin Media O2 is giving small businesses a broadband speed boost to help them recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a rough year for most businesses, Virgin Media and O2 received some rare good news in May when the Competition and Markets Authority cleared a £31 billion merger between the industry giants.

Virgin Media O2 is now helping small businesses that likely didn’t have such good fortunes over the past year by boosting the upload speeds of customers using its...

Ookla publishes analysis of European mobile roaming speeds over lockdown

The network testing experts at Ookla have published an analysis of European mobile roaming speeds over a year defined by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Existing vaccines are, fortunately, effective against the ‘Delta’ variant which is spreading rapidly in countries like the UK. However, the reduced efficacy – especially after just one dose – has already set back the country’s lifting of remaining restrictions by four weeks.

A more virulent, deadly, and vaccine-dodging...

Tim Berners-Lee: Improve connectivity of the young to ‘build a better world’ post-COVID

World Wide Web creator Sir Tim Berners-Lee is using the 32nd birthday of his invention to call for a global push to improve the connectivity of the young post-COVID.

In a blog post today, as part of the #WebChampions campaign, Berners-Lee celebrates the young people who are stepping up to tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges from COVID-19, to inequality, to climate change.

However, many...

Vodafone calls for cybersecurity policies to support the recovery of SMEs

Vodafone is calling on the government to support the pandemic recovery of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by introducing new cybersecurity policies.

According to a report (PDF) commissioned by Vodafone and published today, almost a quarter of SMEs – representing around 1.3 million businesses – claim they would not be able to continue operating following a cyberattack.

The report’s findings show how many SMEs have been left teetering following the...

Ofcom pushes back 5G spectrum auction due to COVID-19

British telecoms regulator Ofcom has pushed back its upcoming 5G spectrum auction due to COVID-19.

The latest spectrum auction was due to be held this month. However, with just a week left until the end of January, Ofcom issued the following statement this morning saying that it would be pushed back:

“Throughout our planning for the auction we have been closely monitoring the coronavirus situation.

Following a pause in the auction process, we are now planning for...

Asavie: Telecoms sector reports being targeted most by cyberattacks

A study conducted by Asavie into the challenges presented by COVID-19 to businesses has found that cyberattacks are the leading concern.

While an increase in home working has opened up new opportunities and productivity benefits, it’s also added new security challenges. Hackers are taking advantage of security gaps.

30 percent of the businesses in the study declared that enabling remote work and secure VPNs was a challenge. Many employees have become their own IT...

Verizon partners with the NFL to offer live viewing parties and AR replays

Verizon has partnered with the NFL to offer live viewing parties and AR replay features during the season which kicks off today.

Like everything this year, football will be very different courtesy of COVID-19.

The draft was held virtually for the first time. Between August 30th and September 5th, there were 44,510 tests administered to a total of 8,349 players and team personnel. Many teams have even created “bubbles” to prevent COVID-19 ruining their chances at...