European operators want platforms to contribute towards infrastructure

A number of large European operators are calling for content platforms to contribute towards the cost of infrastructure.

In a joint statement, the CEOs of Vodafone, Telefónica, Deutsche Telekom, and Orange have expressed their opinion that content platforms should contribute towards building the connectivity infrastructure they rely on.

“The current situation is simply not sustainable. The investment burden must be shared in a more proportionate way,” claim the...

US carriers want $5.6B from the FCC for axing Huawei and ZTE

Carriers in the US are seeking $5.6 billion in reimbursements following the FCC’s decision to axe Huawei and ZTE from national telecoms networks.

The FCC voted unanimously in 2019 to ban carriers from using the Universal Service Fund to subsidise purchasing equipment from companies deemed a national security threat. Huawei and ZTE were the first two firms to be classed as such threats.

In 2020, former President Donald Trump signed the Secure and Trusted...

Keeping the connection secure: Protecting the telecommunications industry against ongoing attacks

Shifting from being a necessity to a lifeline, the telecommunications industry is now part of the beating heart for nationwide communications as the world navigates times of disruption and uncertainty. Unfortunately, this makes it a key target for cybercriminals wishing to profit from the information held by an array of businesses. Whether it be through financially driven criminal activity or high-powered state-sponsored attacks, the information being targeted has the potential to bring...

New York Stock Exchange backtracks on plan to delist Chinese telcos

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) no longer plans to comply with a Trump administration order to delist Chinese telecoms groups.

NYSE began proceedings to delist China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom last week after the order signed by President Trump in November.

The order is designed to prevent transactions in securities “designed to provide investment exposure to such securities, of any Communist Chinese military company” by any person in the...

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is stepping down after eight years

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is stepping down from his role after eight years at the US telecoms regulator.

Pai was appointed to the FCC as commissioner in 2012 by President Obama and was promoted to chairman in 2017 by President Trump. Pai has now served notice that he will be stepping down when President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated on January 20th.

“It has been the honour of a lifetime to serve at the Federal Communications Commission, including as Chairman of the FCC...