Web 3.0 is on the horizon and Dish aims to embrace it

During an analyst event, a Dish executive hinted at the company embracing Web 3.0 trends for its wireless services.

Dish is currently building its own network to replace Sprint, which is being purchased by T-Mobile. It’s taking a unique approach by using Open RAN (Open Radio Access Network) equipment which promises to be cheaper and more flexible while avoiding the “vendor lock-in” of the past.

As part of the conditions of the T-Mobile and Sprint merger, the latter...

Research: The leading 5 sectors for 5G investments

Research commissioned by World Wide Technology (WWT) has uncovered the leading five sectors for 5G investments.

Investors are excited about 5G and its potential returns. Among the investors surveyed for the research, 92 percent are either invested – or plan to invest – in companies that depend on 5G.

In declining order, the top five sectors identified for 5G investments are:

Cloud computing (identified by 72% of VCs and investors)Smart mobility (70%)Media and...

China Mobile share price retreats following Shanghai debut surge

China Mobile’s share price has retreated following a surge after it listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

The world’s largest mobile operator by total subscribers was delisted from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) following the Trump administration’s decision to restrict investments in Chinese technology firms.

China Mobile’s shares increased by ~8.5 percent from its offering price of 57.58 yuan but over the next six hours had returned to around its offering...

China Mobile plans Shanghai listing following NYSE exile

China Mobile is planning to list on the Shanghai stock exchange after being exiled from the NYSE.

Last November, then-president Donald Trump signed an executive order to delist China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom from the New York Stock Exchange on national security grounds.

The NYSE briefly backtracked on its plan to delist the Chinese telecoms giants after “further consultation with relevant regulatory authorities”. However, the exchange quickly changed...

New York Stock Exchange backtracks on plan to delist Chinese telcos

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) no longer plans to comply with a Trump administration order to delist Chinese telecoms groups.

NYSE began proceedings to delist China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom last week after the order signed by President Trump in November.

The order is designed to prevent transactions in securities “designed to provide investment exposure to such securities, of any Communist Chinese military company” by any person in the...