Russian and Iranian hackers increase spear-phishing attacks

The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) – a part of GCHQ – has warned that hackers based in Russia and Iran are conducting increased spear-phishing attacks.

Spear-phishing involves sending a malicious electronic communication to get someone to download malware or hand over sensitive information.

The attacks are often highly targeted to make it appear like the communication is from a loved one, friend, colleague, or business that the target knows and...

Microsoft: Russia, China, and Iran have ‘stepped up’ cyberattacks

A new report from Microsoft shines a spotlight on powerful cyberattack campaigns which are currently targeting the US election.

The upcoming US presidential election was expected to be a prime candidate for interference. However, Microsoft notes that foreign activity groups have "stepped up their efforts” for this election.

Microsoft has discovered three key campaigns operating from three countries often linked with cyberattacks:

Strontium (Russian) –...

FBI claims Iran is using BIG-IP exploit to attack US private and government networks

The FBI has warned that Iranian hackers are using the BIG-IP exploit to attack US private and government networks.

In the security alert, the FBI did not name any specific group or campaign but ZDNet's sources told the publication "the group is tracked by the larger cyber-security community under codenames such as Fox Kitten or Parasite."

The alert suggests the hackers are taking advantage of the CVE-2020-5902 vulnerability discovered in...