Japan joins NATO cyber defense centre

Japan has become the latest member of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE).

While there have been thankfully few cases of conventional warfare on Western territories for decades, in no small part thanks to NATO, the planet has remained locked in a cyber World War.

In April, members of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance issued a joint cybersecurity advisory warning of increased attacks on critical infrastructure from Russia. These attacks...

US warns a Russian cyberattack could trigger a NATO response

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has warned that a Russian cyberattack on a NATO ally could trigger a collective response.

"We could see circumstances in which a collective response by the alliance to a cyberattack would be called by an ally," said Sullivan. "That is absolutely something where we and other countries could bring capabilities to help a country defend itself and respond."

Sullivan made the warning a day after President Biden said that...