Samsung can now access Nokia’s video standards innovations

Samsung will be able to access Nokia’s video standards innovations after the pair reached a licensing agreement.

Nokia has invested more than $154 billion in R&D over the past two decades and built a portfolio of over 20,000 patent families (of which, around 3,500 patent families are considered essential to 5G.)

Jenni Lukander, President of Nokia Technologies, said:

“We are delighted to have reached an agreement with Samsung which further validates...

Nokia: Video is still the 5G ‘killer app’ for both consumers and enterprises

Research from Nokia suggests that improved video capabilities is still 5G's killer application for both consumers and enterprises.

We’re currently in the middle of a global pandemic and more people than ever are working from home and communicating with their loved ones remotely. Video calls have been vital for many during this period despite them often suffering from poor performance.

According to Nokia’s latest polling, 90 percent of consumers said that...