Broadband outages triple as almost 15M Brits suffer in the past year

Nearly 15 million Brits suffered a major broadband outage during a year when reliable connectivity has never proved to be so vital.

Video meetings, checking in with loved ones, purchasing essentials, awkward virtual quizzes, getting help when needed, and keeping updated on the latest advice and developments all required a dependable internet connection.

However, research from Uswitch found that broadband outages have tripled in the last year.

Ernest Doku,...

Ookla publishes analysis of European mobile roaming speeds over lockdown

The network testing experts at Ookla have published an analysis of European mobile roaming speeds over a year defined by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Existing vaccines are, fortunately, effective against the ‘Delta’ variant which is spreading rapidly in countries like the UK. However, the reduced efficacy – especially after just one dose – has already set back the country’s lifting of remaining restrictions by four weeks.

A more virulent, deadly, and vaccine-dodging...