Nokia will continue flexible working post-COVID following survey

Nokia will continue offering flexible working opportunities for its employees following a company-wide survey.

More flexible working was a growing trend long before COVID-19 hit as people seek to avoid the cost, time, and mental fatigue associated with long commutes, make it more feasible to live further outside of major cities (avoiding the rocketing house and rent prices of inner-cities), and balance commitments such as childcare. For businesses, it reduces the need for large...

Ericsson says its 5G rollout will create 800 British jobs by 2022

During a time when unemployment figures are at record highs, it’s heartening to hear Ericsson’s job creation expectations.

Swedish telecoms vendor Ericsson predicts that its 5G rollout will create an additional 800 jobs in the UK over the next couple of years.

Digital Infrastructure Minister Matt Warman said:

"I welcome this investment in the UK by Ericsson which will create hundreds of skilled jobs across the country and accelerate the nationwide rollout...