GSMA Open Gateway unlocks mobile network capabilities for developers

A new collaboration between the world's leading mobile operators will accelerate innovation across industries from finance and retail to transportation, healthcare, and beyond. The GSMA Open Gateway initiative provides developers simplified access to core network capabilities via open application programming interfaces (APIs).

Initially focused on security, new APIs for number verification and SIM swap detection are being implemented by operator groups across 42 countries so far....

FCC announces plan to halt SIM-swappers

The FCC has unveiled a set of rules aimed at safeguarding consumers against scams that seek to commandeer their cell phone accounts.

The proposed regulations, designed to protect citizens' freedom to choose their preferred device and provider, require wireless providers to implement secure authentication methods when swapping SIM cards or porting phone numbers to another carrier.

FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said: “Every consumer has a right to expect that their...