SK Telecom secures new ‘ifland’ metaverse partnerships

SK Telecom (SKT) has announced partnerships with three leading tech companies in Southeast Asia to boost the global expansion of its metaverse platform “ifland”.

SKT signed agreements with Malaysia’s largest mobile carrier CelcomDigi, Indonesian game publisher Agate, and Phillipines-based electronics brand Cosmic Technologies.

The partnerships will allow SKT to provide localised content and marketing for ifland in the three countries. In return, the partners gain...

Singtel partners with SK Telecom for its first metaverse event

Singtel has partnered with SK Telecom (SKT) to hold its first metaverse event.

The event, ‘Destination:ifland’, was held at the Singtel Comcentre in Singapore. Users were able to design their own digital avatars to take part in a range of activities.

Anna Yip, CEO, Consumer Singapore at Singtel, commented:

“The evolution of the internet is shifting towards a creator economy and immersive virtual worlds. This requires an ultra-low latency network with...

SK Telecom and NTT DOCOMO establish metaverse, 6G partnership

SK Telecom (SKT) and NTT DOCOMO have established a partnership to improve their metaverse offerings and advance 6G research.

“The MOU has a significant meaning as it is a cooperation between the representative mobile operators of Korea and Japan,” said Ryu Young-sang, President & CEO of SKT.

“By working together with NTT DOCOMO in the area of future ICT, we will generate tangible results that drive global ICT innovation."

Both telcos already operate...