Web3 project Helium Mobile launches $5/month unlimited plan

Helium Mobile, the “People’s Carrier,” aims to disrupt the telecoms industry with its unlimited plan.

Helium Mobile’s no-contract $5/month plan is initially launching in Miami and offers unlimited talk, text, and data. This disruptive offering comes as a result of Helium Mobile's innovative approach, making use of Dynamic Coverage.

Dynamic Coverage enables subscribers to access both the localised Helium network – run by a global network of individuals who are...

Huawei: Current infrastructure can’t support the metaverse

huawei metaverse web3 blockchain networks infrastructure telecoms

Huawei’s chief strategist in the Middle East believes that current infrastructure cannot support the metaverse.

Most current “metaverse” experiences are just online games capitalising on the hype around the term. Long term, the ambitious vision for the metaverse is a series of decentralised interoperable virtual worlds. 

True metaverse experiences will allow users to take their avatars and items from one to another, control real world devices, conduct...

Cloudflare will run Ethereum 2.0 nodes to ‘build a better internet’

Content delivery network Cloudflare has said that it will run Ethereum 2.0 nodes to help “build a better internet”.

Decentralised app platform Ethereum aims to be the foundation of web3. How does web3 differ from previous eras? Glad you asked.

Web1 (~1990-2005) – Based on open protocols, decentralised, and community-governed. However, relatively basic in terms of functionality.Web2 (~2005-present) – Siloed, centralised services with value and content ownership...