Ericsson achieves 5.7Gbps in world’s first 6CC data call

Ryan Daws is a senior editor at TechForge Media, with a seasoned background spanning over a decade in tech journalism. His expertise lies in identifying the latest technological trends, dissecting complex topics, and weaving compelling narratives around the most cutting-edge developments. His articles and interviews with leading industry figures have gained him recognition as a key influencer by organisations such as Onalytica. Publications under his stewardship have since gained recognition from leading analyst houses like Forrester for their performance. Find him on X (@gadget_ry) or Mastodon (

Ericsson has pushed the boundaries of 5G Carrier Aggregation by seamlessly integrating six component carriers (6CC) to achieve a record-breaking download speed of 5.7Gbps.

The groundbreaking data call was orchestrated through the harmonious convergence of three Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) bands with three Time Division Duplex (TDD) bands within the sub-6GHz spectrum range.

Sibel Tombaz, Head of Product Line 5G RAN at Ericsson Networks, said:

“We are keeping the momentum on carrier aggregation by continuously stretching its potential to boost capacity and speed.

Our successful 6CC data call shows how versatile our solution is and that we are poised to work with ecosystem partners to make this new band combination a reality. 

Our goal, as always, is to help customers meet end users’ growing appetite for high-capacity, ultra high-speed 5G.”

Ericsson harnessed the power of its cutting-edge RAN Compute hardware, advanced carrier aggregation software, and innovative Advanced RAN Coordination functionality to enable this technological leap.

The experimentation – involving the aggregation of 400MHz of bandwidth – took place within the controlled confines of an Ericsson laboratory, employing a meticulously crafted user equipment (UE) simulator.

By ingeniously merging FDD and TDD spectrums, Ericsson not only achieved a staggering 5.7Gbps throughput but also paved the way for a more efficient distribution of carrier aggregation benefits, catering to a larger number of users.

This pioneering approach becomes particularly relevant as the demand for data-intensive applications continues to surge.

The amalgamation of FDD bandwidths ranging from 20MHz to 50MHz, made possible by the six-component carrier capability, empowers communication service providers to harness their network and spectrum assets optimally. This, in turn, delivers accelerated data speeds and augmented capacity, significantly enhancing the user experience for activities like streaming high-quality audio and video, rapid file downloads, and facilitating seamless remote work scenarios for digital nomads.

“Carrier Aggregation is crucial to getting the best possible 5G performance out of scattered spectrum assets,” added Tombaz. “And with 6CC, service providers will be able to maximise the use of allocated spectrum and optimise the combined bandwidth for superior mobile experience.”

As the world inches closer to a new era of hyper-connectedness, Ericsson’s achievement marks a pivotal moment in the journey toward unprecedented data speeds and a seamless digital future.

See also: Qualcomm achieves record-breaking 5G downlink

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