Nokia’s DAC PW Compact brings private 5G to small industrial sites

Ryan Daws is a senior editor at TechForge Media, with a seasoned background spanning over a decade in tech journalism. His expertise lies in identifying the latest technological trends, dissecting complex topics, and weaving compelling narratives around the most cutting-edge developments. His articles and interviews with leading industry figures have gained him recognition as a key influencer by organisations such as Onalytica. Publications under his stewardship have since gained recognition from leading analyst houses like Forrester for their performance. Find him on X (@gadget_ry) or Mastodon (

Nokia has unveiled DAC PW Compact, a private 5G solution tailored for small and mid-sized industrial sites.

In response to the growing demand for secure and reliable connectivity in the age of digital transformation, Nokia developed DAC PW Compact to bring robust security and pervasive connectivity to even the smallest enterprise sites—ensuring they can reap the benefits of digital innovation.

Stephan Litjens, VP of Enterprise Campus Edge Solutions at Nokia, said:

“With the addition of the Nokia DAC PW Compact to our portfolio, we can now address the growing demand from smaller sites and many industries, such as the growing warehousing segment, who need the secure, low-latency and reliable connectivity provided by private wireless to digitally transform their operations. 

Regardless of the size of the operation, Nokia has a solution that will connect people, machines, and sensors in an energy-efficient manner and at an economical price point—equipping an even wider range of industries for their journey to Industry 4.0.”

The compact solution, based on Nokia AirScale small cells, offers comprehensive connectivity for both humans and machines in challenging industrial environments. With its compact form factor, the Nokia DAC PW Compact aligns perfectly with the coverage requirements of small industrial sites.

One key advantage of DAC PW Compact is its zero upfront investment model, making it an affordable and efficient connectivity option for small industrial premises.

Crucially, the Nokia DAC PW Compact addresses the energy efficiency challenge. The solution is up to 60 percent more energy-efficient than Wi-Fi, significantly reducing its environmental footprint. This move aligns with Nokia’s commitment to accelerating digital transformation and promoting green energy adoption.

Industries like logistics, where poor connectivity can lead to revenue losses, stand to benefit significantly. According to ABI Research, the logistics sector alone loses over $664 million in annual revenue due to poor connectivity.

Leo Gergs, Principal Analyst at ABI Research, emphasised the competitive edge of Nokia’s solution:

“With Nokia DAC PW Compact, Nokia extends their product portfolio in a very important way. Our research shows that total cost of ownership is enterprises’ main factor for deciding which connectivity technology to deploy. It will be providing a very competitive cost structure and TCO to other wireless technologies, like Wi-Fi.

Nokia DAC PW Compact will become an important building block for Nokia and its channel partners to create a value proposition around private cellular that is easy to understand and digest for enterprises, particularly in the logistics sector where warehouses, and other segments like ports and airports that might only need a handful of 5G radio units to achieve high levels of constant coverage.”

Nokia DAC PW Compact’s plug-and-play deployment, IT native operability, and configurations for indoor, outdoor, and mixed radio coverage make it a versatile solution for numerous industrial segments, including ports, manufacturing, mining, petrochemical, and retail.

Enterprises can seamlessly expand their private wireless deployment over time with an easy upgrade path. They can add incremental capacity, users, and radio configurations, as well as integrate Wi-Fi technology.

Moreover, by converting the deployed edge to MX Industrial Edge (MXIE), enterprises can transform their private wireless solutions into a comprehensive platform for digital transformation.

Nokia DAC PW Compact will initially be available in the US, utilising CBRS spectrum. It can be obtained exclusively through a network of Nokia-certified resellers and system integration partners. The solution operates on an OPEX-based model, eliminating upfront investment and providing a predictable monthly fee.

Connectivity is the backbone of digital transformation and Nokia’s innovative solution aims to pave the way for small and mid-sized industrial sites to thrive.

(Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash)

See also: Yamina Kelm, Deutsche Telekom: Enabling innovation at the edge

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