Openreach supports digital transformations with 100Gbit/s data transport

Ryan Daws is a senior editor at TechForge Media, with a seasoned background spanning over a decade in tech journalism. His expertise lies in identifying the latest technological trends, dissecting complex topics, and weaving compelling narratives around the most cutting-edge developments. His articles and interviews with leading industry figures have gained him recognition as a key influencer by organisations such as Onalytica. Publications under his stewardship have since gained recognition from leading analyst houses like Forrester for their performance. Find him on X (@gadget_ry) or Mastodon (

Openreach has adopted Adtran’s FSP 3000 open optical transport technology to launch the new Optical Spectrum Access 100G Single enterprise service.

The solution offers a dedicated fibre link that allows more UK businesses to access point-to-point 100Gbit/s data transport, meeting the surging demand for high-bandwidth services.

Simon Williams, Head of Optical Products at Openreach, said:

“Corporate cloud applications and other data-intensive tasks such as data centre backhaul are fueling a growing demand for bandwidth. Adtran’s scalable optical technology enables us to offer a managed, high-speed service that satisfies that demand at a highly competitive price point.

With no filters or amplifiers required, our Optical Spectrum Access 100G Single service offers secure and always-on optical services that can transport enormous amounts of data. We’re also making dedicated, uncomplicated, and customisable access available in a slimmed-down package that’s even easier to manage.”

The service provides a choice between point-to-point Ethernet links at 100Gbit/s or 10 separate channels at 10Gbit/s, catering to the diverse connectivity requirements of businesses.

By leveraging Adtran’s FSP 3000 optical transport technology, Openreach can fulfil the escalating demand for data-intensive cloud-based applications. The FSP 3000 platform delivers a dedicated fibre link, ensuring low latency, consistent service quality, and unmatched network reliability for Openreach’s customers.

Stuart Broome, GM of EMEA sales at Adtran, commented:

“Our FSP 3000 technology gives Openreach a powerful optical transport solution that efficiently delivers high-bandwidth services for enterprise customers. Using the Optical Spectrum Access 100G Single service, businesses can now smoothly manage substantial data transfers, even during peak operational hours.

We have a great track record of partnering with Openreach to advance digital transformation across the UK. It’s a relationship based on trust and a shared dedication to deliver for customers.

Together, we’re providing extra capacity and value for more businesses.”

This collaboration builds upon more than a decade of successful partnerships between Adtran and Openreach, with both companies driven by a shared dedication to delivering exceptional services for their customers.

With the Optical Spectrum Access 100G Single service, UK enterprises can stay competitive in an increasingly digital world. It enables them to harness the power of high-speed, dedicated fibre links—unlocking new possibilities for data-intensive applications and seamless connectivity with global partners.

(Image Credit: Openreach)

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