Ericsson says its 5G rollout will create 800 British jobs by 2022

Ryan Daws is a senior editor at TechForge Media, with a seasoned background spanning over a decade in tech journalism. His expertise lies in identifying the latest technological trends, dissecting complex topics, and weaving compelling narratives around the most cutting-edge developments. His articles and interviews with leading industry figures have gained him recognition as a key influencer by organisations such as Onalytica. Publications under his stewardship have since gained recognition from leading analyst houses like Forrester for their performance. Find him on X (@gadget_ry) or Mastodon (

During a time when unemployment figures are at record highs, it’s heartening to hear Ericsson’s job creation expectations.

Swedish telecoms vendor Ericsson predicts that its 5G rollout will create an additional 800 jobs in the UK over the next couple of years.

Digital Infrastructure Minister Matt Warman said:

“I welcome this investment in the UK by Ericsson which will create hundreds of skilled jobs across the country and accelerate the nationwide rollout of 5G.

We’re working hard to build a world-class 5G network, including introducing landmark legislation to boost telecoms security and a new strategy to diversify the supply chain.

We will continue to support Ericsson and other providers however we can to deliver an infrastructure revolution for Britain.”

Most industries have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. One thing which the virus has made absolutely clear is the need to invest in connectivity remains vital.

Investment Minister Lord Gerry Grimstone commented:

“The UK’s highly skilled workforce and dedication to world-class innovation continues to make it one of the most attractive business environments for tech investors.

As our economy recovers from the impact of Covid-19, inward investment in cutting-edge technologies across the UK will help us to build back better nationwide, levelling up the UK.”

A new 5G Centre of Excellence will open at Ericsson’s offices in Coventry by the end of 2020. 

The centre aims to boost the UK’s 5G deployment capacity—enabling the design, integration, and commissioning of mobile network sites in the country.

Ericsson’s new facility will provide engineers and field service professionals with access to the latest 5G technology. The centre will also help to supply the workforce with vital skills to accelerate the transformation of the UK’s digital infrastructure.

John Griffin, CEO of Ericsson UK & Ireland, says: 

“Investment in 5G technology is fundamental to the future of the UK and as a global leader in 5G, we are putting in place all of our technology and expertise to deliver a cutting-edge telecommunications infrastructure that will support the growth of new jobs, kick start the UK economy and create a platform of unparalleled innovation. 

With agreements in place to support a rapid 5G rollout for all four major UK mobile network operators, we are boosting our local delivery capabilities to support the UK’s ambitious connectivity targets and help prepare for a digital future that is full of exciting 5G opportunities for consumers and new industries.”

The UK was one of the first countries in Europe to deploy 5G and emerged as an early leader in the latest generation networks. That leadership has since begun to slip, with Analysys Mason recently calling the UK’s current 5G rollout “average” among European countries.

However, in their report, Analysys Mason estimates that £14.8 billion in additional economic growth could be realised if the UK can seize the full potential of 5G networks in key business and industry sectors.

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